BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//National Academy of Medicine - ECPv6.7.0//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALĂđ»đÎŔĘÓE:National Academy of Medicine X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for National Academy of Medicine REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/New_York BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0400 TZĂđ»đÎŔĘÓE:EDT DTSTART:20240310T070000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0400 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 TZĂđ»đÎŔĘÓE:EST DTSTART:20241103T060000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20240930T070000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20241001T120000 DTSTAMP:20240928T071945 CREATED:20240814T164605Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240927T213345Z SUMMARY:2024 Healthy Longevity Global Innovator Summit DESCRIPTION:Presented by the National Academy of Medicine (Ăđ»đÎŔĘÓ)\, the Global Innovator Summit aims to convene\, connect\, and inspire innovation in the field of healthy longevity. Participants will hear from stakeholders—including academics\, policy experts\, industry leaders\, and entrepreneurs—and learn about the bold and innovative projects from current and past Healthy Longevity Catalyst and Accelerator Awardees. This free event will also feature opportunities for awardees to establish connections with potential collaborators\, mentors\, and funders from across disciplines and sectors. \n\n  \n \nDates and Times:\nSeptember 30\, 2024 | 7 AM – 12 PM EDT\nOctober 1\, 2024 | 7 AM – 12:30 PM EDT \nAGENDA:\n*View detailed agenda. \nDAY 1 – Monday\, September 30 \n7:00 AM – 8:10 AM | Innovators Connect (Closed Session)\n(Closed session via Zoom for awardees and select invitees only.) \n8:15 AM | 2024 Innovator Summit Day 1 (Public Session Begins)\n(Streaming session with option for audience participation via event webpage\, for awardees and members of the public.) \n8:15 AM | Welcome & Introductory Remarks\nVictor J. Dzau\, President\, U.S. National Academy of Medicine \n8:30 – 9:30 AM | PANEL: Exploring the Landscape of Innovation in Healthy Longevity\nThis session will feature a panel of leaders representing major funders and research organizations in the field of healthy longevity. It will highlight recent successes\, ongoing challenges\, and trends; identify funding opportunities; and explore future directions in this dynamic area of science.\nMODERATOR: Tom Rando\, MD\, PhD\, President of Board of Directors\, American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR); Director\, UCLA Broad Stem Cell Research Center\nSPEAKERS:\n– Richard Hodes\, MD\, Director\, National Institute on Aging (NIA)\n– Jamie Justice\, PhD\, Executive Vice President\, Health Domain Executive Director\, XPRIZE Healthspan\n– Mehmood Khan\, MD\, Chief Executive Officer\, Hevolution Foundation\n– Hal Barron\, MD\, Chief Executive Officer\, Founder and Board Co-Chair of Altos Labs  \n9:35 – 9:50 AM | Spotlight Session #1\nIn this brief session\, one Catalyst Awardee who has been successful in securing additional substantial funding will speak to their innovation journey and fundraising experience\, followed by audience Q&A.\nCATALYST AWARDEE:\n– Alex Westner\, Founder and Chief Executive Officer\, Xander\n– Marilyn Morgan Westner\, PhD | Co-Founder and Chief Experience Officer\, Xander\nCATALYST YEAR: 2022\nGLOBAL COLLABORATOR: National Academy of Medicine\nPROJECT TITLE: AR Captions Increase Comprehension\, Social Connection & Mental Well-Being \n9:55 – 10:45 AM | PANEL: Women’s Health Throughout the Lifespan\nThis session will feature a diverse group of global awardees who will briefly present their projects and engage in a discussion on innovations\, trends\, and gaps in the field of women’s health.\nMODERATOR: Lauren Cheung\, MD\, MBA\, Physician\, Apple Inc.\nSPEAKERS: Panel of Catalyst Awardees with innovative projects that aim to improve women’s health\, at various stages throughout the life course.\n– Gunisha Kaur\, MA\, MD | Funded by National Academy of Medicine\n– Purnima Madhivanan\, MBBS\, MPH\, PhD | Funded by National Institute on Aging\n– Jenny Sones\, DVM\, PhD\, DACT | Funded by National Academy of Medicine\n– Antonio D’Angelo\, MS | Funded by EIT Health  \n10:50 AM – 12:00 PM | Connect With a Mentor: Entrepreneurs & Venture Capitalists (Closed Session)\n(Closed session via Zoom for Catalyst Awardees\, Global Collaborators\, and select invitees only.)\nParticipants may choose a breakout room based on the mentors and role models backgrounds.\nSPEAKERS: Approximately 4 mentors from diverse sectors will share their backgrounds and expertise related to project funding\, drawing on personal experiences (e.g.\, securing research funding\, launching startups) and current roles (e.g.\, impact investing\, grantmaking).\n– Cynthia Bullock\, PhD\, MBA\, Deputy Challenge Director\, UKRI Healthy Ageing Challenge\n– Ansbert Gadicke\, MD\, Managing Partner\, MPM BioImpact\n– Catherine C. L. Wong\, PhD\, Chairman of the Board & Chief Executive Officer\, Foreseen Biotechnology \nDAY 2 – Tuesday\, October 1 \n7:00 – 8:00 AM | Connect With a Mentor: Entrepreneurs & Venture Capitalists (Closed Session)\n(Closed session via Zoom for Catalyst Awardees and select invitees only.)\nParticipants may choose a breakout room based on the mentors and role models backgrounds.\nSPEAKERS: Approximately 4 mentors from diverse sectors will share their backgrounds and expertise related to project funding\, drawing on personal experiences (e.g.\, securing research funding\, launching startups) and current roles (e.g.\, impact investing\, grantmaking).\n– Thorsten Kurtz\, Director\, kENUP Foundation\n– James Hueston\, Senior Associate\, Primetime Partners  \n8:05 – 9:20 AM | Communicating for Impact: Reaching Your Audiences with Effective Messages (Closed Session)\n(Closed session via Zoom for Catalyst Awardees and select invitees only.)\nCatalyst Awardees will leave this session with a better understanding of how to communicate about their work to varied audiences in a clear and memorable way. The session will offer a practical framework and tips for creating messages\, as well as possible communications tools they can leverage to reach various audiences. \n9:30 AM | 2024 Innovator Summit Day 2 (Public Session Begins)\n(Streaming session with option for audience participation via event webpage\, for awardees and members of the public.) \n9:30-9:45 AM | Spotlight Session #2\nIn this brief session\, one Catalyst Awardee who has been successful in securing additional substantial funding will speak to their innovation journey and fundraising experience\, followed by audience Q&A.\nCATALYST AWARDEE: Yi-Chun Du\, PhD\, Professor\, National Cheng Kung University CATALYST YEAR: 2022\, 2024GLOBAL COLLABORATOR: Funded by Academia Sinica  \n9:50 – 10:40 AM | PANEL: Democratizing Solutions to Achieve Healthy Longevity Equity\nMODERATOR: Tim Evans\, MD\, PhD\, Director\, School of Population and Global Health\, McGill University\nSPEAKERS: Panel of diverse Catalyst Awardees with innovative projects working to make specific healthy longevity solutions\, treatments\, interventions\, and programs widely available for maximum impact.\n– Jakkrapatr O. Baiyokvichit\, MS | Funded by Academia Sinica\n– Rio Sugimura\, MD\, PhD | Funded by Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region\, China\n– Karen Watchman\, MSc\, PhD | Funded by UK Research & Innovation \n10:45 – 11:00 AM | Spotlight Session #3\nIn this brief session\, one Catalyst Awardee who has been successful in securing additional substantial funding will speak to their innovation journey and fundraising experience\, followed by audience Q&A.\nCATALYST AWARDEE: Lisa Riste\, MSc\, PhD | Research Fellow\, University of Manchester CATALYST YEAR: 2023  GLOBAL COLLABORATOR: Funded by United Kingdom Research and Innovation    PROJECT TITLE: Patient Safety Research Centre: Empowering older people to avoid medication-related harm: a co-produced community pharmacy solution   \n11:05 – 11:50 AM | KEYNOTE: Climate Change\, Older Adults\, and Innovation\nSPEAKER: Karl Pillemer\, PhD\, Hazel Reed Human Development Professor; Director\, Aging and Climate Change Clearing House\, Cornell University \n11:55 AM – 12:10 PM | Spotlight Session #4\nIn this brief session\, one Catalyst Awardee who has been successful in securing additional substantial funding will speak to their innovation journey and fundraising experience\, followed by audience Q&A.\nCATALYST AWARDEE: John Cowart Jr.\, PhD\, President and Chief Executive Officer\, Outlier Technology LLC\nCATALYST YEAR: 2023\nGLOBAL COLLABORATOR: National Academy of Medicine\nPROJECT TITLE: NeuroSync: a data-driven augmented reality neurorehabilitation platform of neurologic music therapy-based games\, puzzles\, and exercises to stimulate neuroplasticity and prolong functional independence in individuals suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease \n12:15 – 12:30 PM | Celebration Of 2024 Catalyst Awardees & Summit Wrap Up\nĂđ»đÎŔĘÓ President Victor J. Dzau will reflect on the achievements and future directions for the Healthy Longevity Global Competition\, wrapping up with an announcement of the 2024 international Catalyst Awardees.\nSPEAKER: Victor Dzau\, MD\, President\, National Academy of Medicine URL:/event/2024-healthy-longevity-global-innovator-summit/ END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20241001T130000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20241001T144500 DTSTAMP:20240928T071945 CREATED:20240906T180737Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240927T175631Z SUMMARY:The State of the U.S. Biomedical and Health Research Enterprise: Strategies for Achieving a Healthier America Report Release Event DESCRIPTION:Access the event here on October 1:\n \nThe U.S. biomedical research enterprise contributes significantly to the nation’s health and economy. An author group conducted a thorough review to determine whether the enterprise can continue to lead globally and address our population’s health needs in the face of complex challenges. This report presents the results of that review and lays out priorities to reimagine and reinvigorate the biomedical research enterprise before a moment of crisis. In this webinar hosted by Ăđ»đÎŔĘÓ President Victor J. Dzau\, a panel of author group members will present an overview of the report followed by a discussion with national leaders in biomedical research. \nAgenda: \nWelcome: \n\nVictor J. Dzau\, National Academy of Medicine\n\nOverview of Report Findings: \n\nE. Albert Reece (Author Group Chair)\, University of Maryland School of Medicine\nAnn Kurth\, The New York Academy of Medicine\nSudip Parikh\, American Association for the Advancement of Science\nElias Zerhouni\, Johns Hopkins University\n\nDiscussion with National Leaders in Biomedical Research: \n\nVictor J. Dzau (Moderator)\, National Academy of Medicine\nMonica Bertagnolli\, National Institutes of Health\nKimryn Rathmell\, National Cancer Institute\nJohn Reed\, Johnson & Johnson\nRobert Conn\, University of California\, San Diego URL:/event/the-state-of-the-u-s-biomedical-and-health-research-enterprise-strategies-for-achieving-a-healthier-america-special-publication-launch/ END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20241008T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20241008T113000 DTSTAMP:20240928T071945 CREATED:20240912T133812Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240912T133812Z SUMMARY:Accelerating the National Climate and Health Movement: Mobilizing Toward Action DESCRIPTION:Join the Ăđ»đÎŔĘÓ Action Collaborative on Decarbonizing the U.S. Health Sector for a virtual public session on Tuesday\, October 8 from 10:00 am to 11:30 am ET! The webinar will feature remarks from the Climate Collaborative’s leadership on the initiative’s priorities and accomplishments to date\, as well as special remarks and a panel discussion featuring organizations accelerating the national climate and health movement. The Ăđ»đÎŔĘÓ will also launch a new climate action showcase amplifying the tremendous progress from organizations participating in the Ăđ»đÎŔĘÓ’s Climate and Health Movement initiative. Don’t miss the first look at this new showcase that aims to help share opportunities for scaling climate action across the health sector and beyond. \nAgenda (speakers to be announced)  \n\nWelcome Remarks from the Action Collaborative Co-Chairs \nOpening Remarks \nSpecial Remarks: Clinician Perspective from the Frontlines \nPanel: Accelerating the National Climate and Health Movement  \nLaunch of the Ăđ»đÎŔĘÓ Climate Action Showcase \nClosing Remarks \n\nSign up for Ăđ»đÎŔĘÓ climate and health listserv >> URL:/event/accelerating-the-national-climate-and-health-movement-mobilizing-toward-action/ CATEGORIES:Climate Change END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20241020T090000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20241020T163000 DTSTAMP:20240928T071945 CREATED:20240903T133757Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240903T133837Z SUMMARY:Interest Group Sessions (Ăđ»đÎŔĘÓ Annual Meeting) DESCRIPTION:Interest Groups allow Ăđ»đÎŔĘÓ members from different disciplines to convene on pertinent and interdisciplinary subjects. During the Ăđ»đÎŔĘÓ Annual Meeting\, each Interest Group organizes and leads a panel of scholars to discuss current and global challenges affecting science\, medicine\, technology\, and health. \nIn order to view the Interest Group sessions\, please select one of the registration options that includes “Virtual Access Sunday.” The sessions will be streamed on a multiplayer\, so you will be able to select the session you would like to attend. \nThe Interest Group titles and topics for 2024 are listed below. \n\nMorning Session | 9:00 am – 10:30 am\nIG01: Health Policy and Health Care Systems\nTopic: How Can We Provide High Price Therapies Without Breaking the Bank?\nSpeakers:\nStacie B. Dusetzina\, PhD\, Professor\, Health Policy and Ingram Professor of Cancer Research\, Vanderbilt University Medical Center\nSarah K. Emond\, MPP\, President and Chief Executive Officer\, Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) \nIG02: Global Health\, Infectious Diseases\, Microbiology\nTopic: H5N1 Influenza\nSpeakers pending. \nIG03: Neuroscience\, Behavior\, Brain Function & Disorders\nTopic: Tackling the Crisis of Mental Health and Substance Abuse: Advances in Prediction\, Prevention and Early Intervention\nSpeakers:\nRosemary C. Bagot\, PhD\, Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology\, McGill University\nCarlos Blanco\, MD\, PhD\, MS\, Director of the Division of Epidemiology\, Services\, and Prevention Research\, National Institute on Drug Abuse\nMary Dozier\, PhD\, Professor\, Unidel Amy Elizabeth du Pont Chair in Child Development and Director of Clinical Training\, University of Delaware\nKerry J. Ressler\, MD\, PhD\, Professor and Chief Scientific Officer\, McLean Hospital\, Harvard Medical School \nIG07: Maternal & Child Health and Human Development\nTopic: Scientific Achievements and Challenges in Federal Funding\nSpeakers:\nDaniel Bauer\, MD\, PhD\, Attending Physician\, Dana-Farber/Boston Children’s Cancer and Blood Disorders Center; and Dagres Family Chair\, Director of the Gene Therapy Program\, Boston Children’s Hospital\nDiana W. Bianchi\, MD\, Director\, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development\nE. Albert Reece\, MD\, PhD\, MBA\, Former Dean of Medicine & University Executive VP and The Distinguished University and Endowed Professor & Director Center for Advanced Research Training and Innovation; and Senior Scientist\, Center for Birth Defects Research\, University of Maryland School of Medicine \nIG10: Biology of Aging/Geriatrics\nTopic: Mental Health\, Emotional Well Being\, and Aging: From Vulnerability to Resilience\, and Flourishing\nSpeakers:\nDavid Almeida\, PhD\, Professor\, Human Development and Family Studies\, Penn State University\nLaura Kubzansky\, PhD\, MPH\, Professor\, Harvard University School of Public Health Aging with Well-Being\nLinda Fried\, MD\, MPH\, Dean of Mailman School of Public Health\, Columbia University\nCheryl Woods Giscombe\, PhD\, RN\, Professor\, Associate Dean\, University of North Carolina and Chapel Hill \nIG16: Rehabilitation and Human Function\nTopic: Measuring Disability\nSpeakers:\nKimberly Anderson-Erisman\, PhD\, Professor\, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation\, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine\nLuke Breitfeller\, MLT\, Computer Scientist in the Epidemiology and Biostatistics Section\, National Institutes of Health \nIG17: Primary Care\nTopic: AI and the Changing Face of Primary Care: Possibilities and Pitfalls\nSpeakers:\nAndrew Bazemore\, MD\, Senior Vice President\, Research & Policy\, The Robert Graham Center\nAndrew Bindman\, MD\, Executive Vice President and Chief Medical Officer\, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan\, Inc.\nHelen Burstin\, MD\, MPH\, Chief Executive Officer\, Council of Medical Specialty Societies\nLisa Rotenstein\, MD\, MBA\, Assistant Professor\, University of California\, San Francisco School of Medicine \nIG20: Firearm Injury Prevention\nTopic: Firearm Violence and Deaths of Despair: Finding the Top 3 Things Ăđ»đÎŔĘÓ Can Do To Elevate our Science and Motivate Evidence-Based Action\nSpeakers pending.\n \n  \nAfternoon Session | 2:45 pm – 4:15 pm\nIG08: Health of Populations/Health Disparities\nTopic: Mental Health\, Well-Being and Community Vitality: On the Ground Design and Implementation of Approaches That Work\nSpeakers pending. \nIG09: Education of the Health Care & Science Workforce\nTopic: Trustworthy AI in Health Care\nSpeakers pending. \nIG12: Nutrition\, Diabetes\, and Obesity\nTopic: Food Noise\, Gambling and Substance Addictions\, and Yes…Still Obesity and Diabetes: The GLP-1 Horizon\nSpeakers:\nJamy Ard\, MD\, Vice Dean for Clinical Research\, Wake Forest University School of Medicine\nRichard Di Marchi\, PhD\, Distinguished Professor and Linda & Jack Gill Chair in Biomolecular Science\, Indiana University\nDaniel J. Drucker\, MD\, Senior Scientist\, Lunenfeld Tanenbaum Research Institute\, Mt. Sinai Hospital \nIG13: Cancer\, Stem Cell Biology & Transplantation\nTopic: Cancer and Aging\nSpeakers:\nElizabeth Blackburn\, PhD\, Professor Emerita\, University of California\, San Francisco\nBenjamin L. Ebert\, MD\, PhD\, Chair of Medical Oncology and George and Jean Canellos Professor of Medicine\, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute\nMarcia C. Haigis\, PhD\, Professor of Cell Biology\, Harvard Medical School \n\nIG15: Human Rights\, Professional Ethics and the Values of Medicine\nTopic: Care of Unhoused and Imprisoned Individuals with Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders\nSpeakers:\nMitchell Katz\, MD\, President and CEO\, New York City Health and Hospitals\nBruce Herdman\, PhD\, MBA\, Chief Medical Officer\, Philadelphia Prison System\nBrendan Saloner\, PhD\, Professor of Health Policy and Management\, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health \n\nIG18: Health and Technology\nTopic: AI in Regenerative Engineering and Medicine\nSpeakers:\nDean Ho\, PhD\, Head\, Department of Biomedical Engineering; Provost’s Chair and Professor; Director\, The N.1 Institute for Health (N.1); and Director\, The Institute for Digital Medicine (WisDM)\, National University of Singapore\nYuan Luo\, PhD\, Director\, Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine – Center for Collaborative AI in Healthcare; Associate Professor\, Preventive Medicine (Health and Biomedical Informatics)\, Pediatrics; and Associate Professor\, McCormick School of Engineering\, Northwestern University \n  \n\nReturn to the Annual Meeting event page\nFollow along with us on Twitter using #Ăđ»đÎŔĘÓmtg and @theĂđ»đÎŔĘÓedicine\nFor questions about the 2024 Annual Meeting\, please contact Ăđ»đÎŔĘÓ URL:/event/interest-group-sessions-nam-annual-meeting-2024/ END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20241021T080000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20241021T190000 DTSTAMP:20240928T071945 CREATED:20240903T133654Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240926T211131Z SUMMARY:Bridging Science\, Practice\, and Policy to Advance Mental Health (Ăđ»đÎŔĘÓ Annual Meeting) DESCRIPTION:As part of the 2024 Annual Meeting\, the Ăđ»đÎŔĘÓ will host a scientific symposium titled\, “Bridging Science\, Practice\, and Policy to Advance Mental Health” on October 21\, 2024. The event will be held both virtually and in person at the Ăđ»đÎŔĘÓ Building in Washington\, DC. \nIn addition\, Ăđ»đÎŔĘÓ Members will host Interest Group sessions on the first day of the meeting Sunday\, October 20. Interest groups bring together Ăđ»đÎŔĘÓ members from a variety of disciplines to engage and convene on the most current topics affecting science\, medicine\, technology\, and health. More information about the Interest Group Meetings can be found here. \nIn order to support this event\, there will be a registration fee for non-Ăđ»đÎŔĘÓ Members associated with the symposium. This payment will secure interested parties virtual access to the Interest Group meetings on October 20\, the presentation of all 2024 Ăđ»đÎŔĘÓ awards on October 20\, and the entirety of the scientific symposium on October 21\, either virtually ($50) or in person ($150). Payment will allow attendees access to submit comments and questions live throughout the event. There is also an option to attend only the President’s Forum and Reception in person ($50). \nRecordings of the scientific symposium will be released for free in the weeks after the event has concluded. \nThe price options are as follows:\nVirtual access Sunday (Interest Groups) and Monday (Symposium): $50\nVirtual access Sunday (Interest Groups) and in-person access Monday (Symposium): $150\nIn-person access for Monday’s President’s Forum and Reception only: $50 \n  \n\nScientific Symposium (Monday\, October 21) Program Features:\n\nKeynote address — 10:20 – 10:50 am\nVivek Murthy\, MD\, MBA\nU.S. Surgeon General \n  \n\nPanel 1: Key Social Drivers Affecting Mental Health and Substance Use — 10:50 am – 12:05 pm\n\n\nModerator: Margarita Alegria\, PhD\nProfessor of Psychology\, Departments of Medicine & Psychiatry\, Harvard Medical School; and Chief\, Disparities Research Unit\, Massachusetts General Hospital \n\nPanelists:\nTami Benton\, MD\nPsychiatrist-in-Chief and Chair of the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences\, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia \n\nAnne Case\, PhD\, MPA\n\nAlexander Stewart 1886 Professor of Economics and Public Affairs Emeritus\, Princeton University \n\nDouglas A. Gentile\, PhD\n\nDistinguished Professor in Liberal Arts and Sciences\, Department of Psychology\, Iowa State University \n\nYasmin Hurd\, PhD\n\nWard Coleman Chair of Translational Neuroscience\, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; and Director\, Addiction Institute of Mount Sinai \n  \n\nPanel 2: Emerging Science and Innovation for Therapies — 1:30 – 2:55 pm\n\n\nModerator: Kaf Dzirasa\, MD\, PhD\nA. Eugene and Marie Washington Presidential Distinguished Professor\, Duke University \n\nPanelists:\nHuda Akil\, PhD\nGardner Distinguished University Professor of Neuroscience and Psychiatry\, The Michigan Neuroscience Institute\, University of Michigan \n\nDamien Fair\, PA-C\, PhD\n\nRedleaf Endowed Director\, Masonic Institute for the Developing Brain; Professor\, Institute of Child Development\, College of Education and Human and Development; and Professor\, Department of Pediatrics\, Medical School\, University of Minnesota \n\nJohn Krystal\, MD\n\nRobert L. McNeil\, Jr. Professor of Translational Research and Chair\, Department of Psychiatry\, Yale School of Medicine \n\nHelen S. Mayberg\, MD\n\nMount Sinai Professor of Neurotherapeutics and Director\, Nash Family Center for Advanced Circuit Therapeutics\, Icahn School of Medicine \n\nMatthew State\, MD\, PhD\n\nOberndorf Family Distinguished Professor and Chair\, Department of Psychiatry\, University of California\, San Fransisco \n  \n\nPanel 3: Delivery of Service and Access to Equitable Mental Health Care — 3:10 – 4:25 pm\n\n\nModerator: Debra Houry\, MD\, MPH\nChief Medical Officer and Deputy Director\, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention \n\nPanelists:\nRichard Frank\, PhD\nEmeritus Professor of Health Economics in the Department of Health Care Policy\, Harvard University \n\nDakotah Lane\, MD\n\nHealth Director\, Lumni Nation \n\nAnn Marie T. Sullivan\, MD\n\nCommissioner\, New York State Office of Mental Health \n\nKenneth Wells\, MD\, MPH\n\nDavid Weil Endowed Professor\, Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Behavioral Health\, and Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Science\, David Geffen School of Medicine; Staff Psychiatrist Greater Los Angeles VA \n  \n\nPresident’s Forum:  Transformative Solutions in Mental Health: Forging a Future of Access and Equity — 4:30 – 6:00 pm\n\n\nModerator: Victor J. Dzau\, MD\nPresident\, National Academy of Medicine \n\nPanelists:\nDonald S. Beyer Jr\nCongressman\, 8th District of Virginia \n\nAnita Everett\, MD\, DFAPA\n\nDirector of the Center for Mental Health Services\, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration \n\nAnn Garland\, PhD\nProfessor Emerita (in process)\, Department of Psychiatry\, University of California San Diego \n\nDaniel H. Gillison\, Jr\n\nCEO\, National Alliance on Mental Illness \n\nK. Ranga Krishnan\, MBBS\n\nChairman\, National Medical Research Council Singapore; and Retired\, CEO Rush University System for Health \n\nKathleen Sebelius\, MPA\n\nPresident and CEO\, Sebelius Resources LLC \nAdditional panelists to be announced \n\nIntroductions and Awards\nIn addition to the scientific program\, the 2024 Ăđ»đÎŔĘÓ Annual Meeting will welcome the 2023 class of Ăđ»đÎŔĘÓ members\, as well as the 2024 class of Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health Policy Fellows\, Ăđ»đÎŔĘÓ Fellows\, Ăđ»đÎŔĘÓ Scholars in Diagnostic Excellence\, Distinguished Nurse Scholar-in-Residence\, Emerging Leaders in Health and Medicine Scholars\, Inaugural State Health Policy Fellows\, and the 2024 International Health Policy Fellow. The Annual Meeting will also feature the presentation of the Gustav O. Lienhard Award for Advancement of Health Care\, the Rhoda and Bernard Sarnat International Prize in Mental Health\, the David and Beatrix Hamburg Award for Advances in Biomedical Research and Clinical Medicine\, the Ăđ»đÎŔĘÓ Member Awards\, and the Ăđ»đÎŔĘÓ Cecil Awards. \n\nFollow along with us on Twitter using #Ăđ»đÎŔĘÓmtg and @theĂđ»đÎŔĘÓedicine\nFor questions about the 2023 Annual Meeting\, please contact Ăđ»đÎŔĘÓ URL:/event/bridging-science-practice-and-policy-to-advance-mental-health-nam-annual-meeting/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR